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Hotels near Lambert International Airport


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Econo Lodge

This is a low end of budget hotels, and you can probably stay here at a cheapest price in the area near the Lambert International Airport. Off season, you may be able to lodge here less than 50 bucks for one night, including tax.


It is not to say that there are tradeoffs for this low price. Your room may not be clean enough; you may find hairs in your bed; you may not have a sound sleep because of an outside noise. So, only when your red eye is cancelled and you have to stay overnight somewhere near the airport, this hotel may come to your choice.


Courtesy transportation is announced on the Web page of this hotel. However it may not acutally be available. A few TripAdvisor reviewers complain that they were told by the hotel itself to ride a taxi to the hotel from the airport! They had to pay extra $10 for the taxi ride.


To save the honor of this hotel, it is a member of Choice Hotels and we can count on its efforts to keep basic levels of customer service available. Also its location is as good as some other hotels listed here because it's in five minute driving distance from the airport.



Fairly Close to the Airport

Renaissance St. Louis Airport Hotel

After leaving the airport drive and making a left turn at the exit intersection, you are on Natural Bridge Road. Go straight on the road and you will soon get to the T-shaped intersection at the present road and Woodson Road. Don't turn here and keep going straight. The road soon curves to the left a little bit to merge to the exit road from Interstate 70. At this moment you take the leftmost lane as you slow down. Be watchful. You might have cars exiting from I-70. Now you see this hotel on your left.

空港内の道路を出た最初の交差点を左折し Natural Bridge Road に出ます。この道路をまっすぐに進むと間もなくこの道路と Woodson Road の交差点に出ます。ここを曲がらずにさらにまっすぐ進みます。道は直ぐに左にやや曲がり、インターステート70からの出口の道路と合流します。スピードを落としながら左端のレーンに入って下さい。この時インターステート70の出口を降りてくる車に注意して左端のレーンに入ると、左手にルネサンスホテルが見えます。

The intersection at Picayune Avenue appears literally as the matter of a second. Turn left here if you can but it may be too short to turn safely. Then you should go just a little farther. You will be on the next intersection at Fairfield Avenue. Turn here to the left and cross the west-bound Natural Bridge Road. You will be on another entrance to the hotel.

文字通り一秒で Picayune Avenue との交差点が現れるのでそこを左折します。急にこの交差点に出るので左折しにくいのであればそのまま直進し、次の Fairfield Avenue との交差点で左折し、西向きの Natural Bridge Road を横切ってもうひとつのホテルへの入口に入って下さい

This Renaissance Hotel recently got renovation and reviewers generally give high marks to it. They say rooms are large and very clean and beds are really comfortable. They admire customer-friendly attitudes of the hotel workers, too.


Price is almost as high as Hilton's. But the renovation makes the hotel worth it. If you pursue great comfort from your hotel stay, this will answer wonderfully to your request.



St. Louis Travelodge

Like the Econo Lodge listed above, this is a typical budget hotel. One may want to categorize it as a motel. No airport shuttle service is announced on their Homepage, so you have to take a taxi to get to it.


Another way to get to this hotel is to go to a rent-a-car counter at the airport. All major rent-a-car companies are available in St. Louis. And they all have a shuttle service that takes you to their garages. Conveniently, most garages are located on the same Naturtal Bridge Road as this hotel stands on. You turn right at the garage exit and go east on the road. In about a few minutes, you will cross Brown Road. Then you turn left at the next small intersection. Quickly turn left again. You will be on the west-bound Natural Bridge Road. (This road splits apart into east-bound and west-bound around there.) The hotel will be seen on your right.

このホテルに行く別の手段は、空港でレンタカーの受け付けに行くことです。セントルイスでは全ての主要なレンタカー会社が利用でき、あなたをシャトルでガレージまで無料で連れて行ってくれます。便利なのはそのほとんどのガレージがこのホテルが面しているのと同じ Natural Bridge Road に沿って立地していること。ガレージの出口でその道路を右にとれば数分で Brown Road との交差点に出るのでそこを越え、次の小さな交差点を左に曲がり、直ぐにもう一度左に曲がれば西行きの Natural Bridge Road に乗っています。(Natural Bridge Road はこのあたりでは東行きと西行きふたつの道路に分かれています。)そこで右手を見ればこのホテルが見えています。

Recently, Enterprise Rent-A-Car moved to a place that is in a few minutes walk from this hotel. So, you may want to go to this hotel by taxi, check in quickly, and walk to the Enterprize office to check out a car of your favorite type.


There are several cheap restaurants near this hotel, including a Waffle House, so that you will not have trouble finding eateries.


One night stay here will probably cost you about $10 more than Econo Loddge mentioned above, but still very reasonable. And many TripAdvisor reviewers report about relative cleanness of its guestrooms. They also give good marks to the front desk staff.


One caveat is that this hotel borders some unstable neighborhoods. So, you should not go out after dark.


If you are on long tour and you don't want to spend much money for lodging, this Travelodge may be a good choice.



Somewhat Close to the Airport

Hilton Garden Inn

This hotel is classified as a moderately priced hotel, like the Holiday Inn Airport mentioned above. The price might even be a little lower than the Holiday Inn because of a longer distance to it from the airport. However, the quality of the hotel facilities seems to be slightly better than that of the Holiday Inn. It might even remind you of the quality that you have in real Hiltons.


There are two ways to get to this hotel from the airport. One is to take the hotel shuttle at the airport. After getting out of the airport building through Exit 17, wait for the shuttle on the roofed sidewalk near the exit. The shuttle should come to the airport periodically, but for a quick pickup, you might want to call the hotel. The shuttle will immediately get on the Interstate 70 East, go east on the highway for a few minutes, get out the highway at Exit 239, turn left on North Hanley, turn left again at the second intersection, enter the premises of the hotel in a second, and drop you off at the very front door of the hotel. If traffic is smooth, ten minutes is enough for you to be at the front desk.

空港からホテルに行くにはふた通りの方法があります。ひとつは空港でホテルのシャトルに乗ることです。空港の17番出口から外に出た後、その出口付近の屋根付きの歩道でシャトルを待ちます。シャトルは定期的にやってくるはずですが、早くホテルに行くためにはホテルに電話した方が良いかもしれません。シャトルはすぐに高速道路70に入り数分ほど東に向かって走り、239番出口で高速を降ります。North Hanley という道に出たところで左に曲がり、二つ目の交差点をまた左に曲がると既にホテルの敷地内です。シャトルはホテルのまさに玄関前であなたを降ろしてくれるので、渋滞などなければ10分もあればホテルのフロントに立てていることでしょう。

The other way is to rent a car. For that, you go to a rent-a-car counter at the airport. Rental car counters are located just by the Baggage Claim. All major rent-a-car companies in the U.S. are available in St. Louis. After a little paperwork at the counter, you go to Exit 17, go through it, get to the roofed sidewalk near Exit 17, and wait for the shuttle of your rental car company. Usually you will be on the shuttle in about ten minutes.


Once you check out your car, you turn left on Natural Bridge Road, which runs by the garage. This road is actually the one you have come along from the airport in the shuttle. Drive just a minute up to the point where you will see a BP station on your left. As you pass it, you will see the ramp to Interstate 70 East on your right. Take that ramp and get on I-70 East.

レンタカーを借り出したらガレージそばの Natural Bridge Road を左に取ります。実はこの道路は空港からシャトルで走ってきたその同じ道です。この道路を本当に1分、左にBPのガソリンスタンドが見えるまで走ります。すると今度は右手に高速道路70の東行きへの入口が現れるので、その入口から高速70東行きに乗ります。

In a few minutes, you will see the sign of Exit 239 on your right. Take that exit, which merges to North Hanley. Turn left on North Hanley and go straight up to the second intersection. At this intersection, you make a left turn. Then you will have already been in the premises of this hotel.

数分走ると右手に239番出口のサインが見えてきます。この出口で高速を出ると、North Hanley という道路に出ます。これを左に取って二つ目の交差点まで直進し、また左に曲がります。すると、あなたは既にめざすホテルの敷地の中です。


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