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Hotels near Lambert International Airport


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Very Close to the Airport

Marriott St. Louis Airport

This hotel is found instantly after you get out of the airport drive and make a right turn. It probably takes one minute after you leave the airport shuttle stop. This is a prestigeous hotel and both rooms and services are very good. But you have to pay much for that. And I don't have any more information on this hotel because, to be frank, I have never stayed at this hotel. Refer to Expedia or TripAdvisor for detail.



Drury Inn St. Louis Airport

Along with Marriott, there is no sweat to find this hotel. After getting out of the airport drive, turn left and look up ahead. Then the hotel simply come into your eyes. Again, it probably takes one minute to arrive at this hotel. Even though the price is more than $50 lower than Mariott or Hilton, it boasts of high customer satisfaction. Very sadly, however, I have not stayed at this hotel so I cannot say any more about it. Refer to Expedia or TripAdvisor for detail.



Hampton Inn St. Louis-Airport

This hotel is located just next to Mariott St. Louis Airport. So this is very close to the airport too. And generally customer reviews of this hotel are high enough. The price is mostly a little bit higher than Drury Inn. I have not stayed at this hotel so I don't have any more information on it. Please refer to Expedia or TripAdvisor for detail.



Close to the Airport

Hilton St. Louis Airport

After leaving the airport drive and making a left turn, you are on Natural Bridge Road, which eventually takes you to downtown St. Louis. You drive just a couple of minutes on Natural Bridege Road and you will first see Budget/Avis Rental Car, then Hilton Airport, both on your right. This Hilton comes with excellent rooms and very good customer service. I stayed at this hotel on the last day of 2014 at a bargen price (whcih actually was just $100!) But mostly you have to pay $200 or higher. Workers were really good and I especially liked its bar near the front hall. Another good point is its closeness to Budget/Avis. This is especially convenient when you return your rental car because you just can walk back to the hotel. Buffet-style breakfast is available at a cafeteria on the first floor. I don't exactly remember how much I paid, but that was about $15. When your budget allows it, I recommend you to stay at this hotel.

空港内の道路を出て左折すると Natural Bridge Road という道路に出ます。(これを道なりに進むと最後にはダウンタウンに出ます。)この道路を1,2分進むと初めにバジェット・エイビスの営業所が、続いてヒルトンが右手に現れます。ここのヒルトンにはすばらしい客室と接客の良さがあります。私は2014年大みそかにこのホテルに泊りましたが、このときはバーゲンプライスでした。(なんとたった100ドルの宿泊料!)普段は200ドル以上払わなければなりません。従業員たちは大変親切でした。なかでもフロントホール近くのバーのバーテンダーはとても良い人物でした。このホテルのもう一つ良い点はレンタカーの営業所に極めて近いという点です。これはレンタカーを返却するときに特に便利です。だって歩いてホテルへもどれますから。また、ビュッフェ形式の朝食を一階で取ることができます。正確には覚えていませんが多分15ドルくらい払ったと思います。予算が許せばこのホテルに泊ることをお勧めします。


Quality Inn St. Louis Airport

The location of this hotel is top notch. Just in its back is Hertz Rental Car. And it's close to the airport. After getting out of the airport drive and making a left turn onto Natural Bridge Road, you drive just a few minutes. After passing by Budget and Hilton, you first see the entrance to Hertz and then the entrance to this hotel, both on the right-hand side. If you drove about 60 feets farther, you would get to the intersection of Natural Bride Rd and Woodson Road. One problem of this hotel is a possibility that you may have a room without good maintenance. The price is about $75 to $80 including tax.

このホテルの立地は一級品です。まず、このホテルのすぐ裏手がハーツ・レンタルカーの営業所である点。そして空港の近くにある点。空港内の道路を出たところを左折して Natural Bridge Road に入り2,3分進みます。バジェット・レンタカーとヒルトンを過ぎるとまずハーツ・レンタルカーの入口が右手に見え、続いて直ぐにこのホテルの入口が同じく右手に現れます。更に60フィート進めば Natural Bridge Road と Woodson Road の交差点に出る場所です。ただ、このホテルの問題は部屋があまりメンテナンスされていないかもしれないという可能性がある点です。宿泊料はリーズナブルで税込75〜80ドルくらいと考えればよいでしょう。


Motel 6 St. Louis Airport

This used to be America's Best Value Inn. Now it is called Motel 6 St. Louis Airport. I knew this fact in early January 2015 when I visited St. Louis to spend my New Year holidays. As far as I saw it from outside, everything seemed to be the same except for the signboard which showed the new hotel name.

このホテルは America's Best Value Inn でしたが、現在では Motel 6 St. Louis Airport に変わりました。私はこの事実を2015年1月初め、新年の休日を過ごすためにセントルイスを訪れたときに知りました。外側から見る限りは、新しいホテルの名前を示す看板を除けば、何も変わってはいないようでした。

The direction from the airport is what follows. After leaving the airport drive and turning left at the exit intersection, you are on Natural Bridge Road. Keep going until you get to the intersection of Natural Bridge Road and Woodson Road. At this intersection, you make a right turn and go about ten seconds. You will find the entrance to this hotel on your right.

空港からの道順は次のとおりです。空港内の道路の出口を左に曲がると Natural Bridge Road に出ます。この道路を、この道路と Woodson Road の三叉路まで進みます。そこを右に曲がって10秒くらい行けば、右手にこのホテルの入口が眼に入ります。

Like Quality Inn, this hotel is a lodge with a reasonable price. The way it is built reminds me of a typical American motel. There is an office building in the front and a motel building lies behind it.

Quality Inn と同様、このホテルは合理的な価格の宿泊場所です。建物の様子は典型的なアメリカのモーテルを思い起こさせます。前面に事務所があり、後ろが宿泊用の建物になっています。

If what you want is simply a bed for one night sleep, this hotel will suit your need.



Holiday Inn St. Louis Airport

After leaving the airport drive and making a left turn at the exit intersection, you will be on Natural Bridge Road. Go on this road a few minutes to get to the T-shaped intersection of this road and Woodson Road. At this intersection, you make a right turn and then go on Woodson just about ten seconds. You will first see Motel 6 and then this hotel on the right-hand side of the road.

空港内の道路を出て出口の交差点を左折し Natural Bridge Road に入って数分行くと Woodson Road とのT-字路交差点に出ます。そこを右に折れて Woodson Road に入り、ほんの10秒くらい行くと最初に Motel 6 が、続いてこのホテルがともに右側に現れます。

This Holiday Inn is a top end of what is classified in moderately priced hotels. Guest rooms are generally very well maintained. Beds are clean and comfortable; bathrooms are large and clean. You have more than enough clean towels, free quality soaps, shampoos, and conditioners. Hotel workers are down to earth and friendly. When in St. Louis, I usually stay at this hotel at least one night.


Another notable advantage of this hotel is the punctuality of its shuttle. It connects the hotel and the airport every 20 minutes, and is on time. This releases you from tourists' ubiquitous anxiety of "What if I'm late for the flight!" I think this is a great value of this hotel.


There is a good restaurant and bar and, as you figure, it's not free. You have to pay even for breakfast. This might be one negative point for some travellors even though food quality is above average.


There is enough parking space, and all major car rentals are within a walking distance. You have National/Alamo across from the hotel; you have Hertz by the intersection of Natural Bridge Road and Woodson Road. When you walk back to the airport about five minutes, you will find the garage for Budget/Avis.

駐車場は十分なスペースがあります。アメリカの主要なレンタカーサービスにも歩いていける立地でもあります。ナショナル・アラモは通りの向かい側ですし、ハーツは Natural Bridge Road と Woodson Road の交差点にあります。空港に向かって徒歩で5分くらい戻ればバジェット・エイビスのカレージもあります。

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