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About Rent-A-Car Insurance


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Driving a car on big American highways is really fun. Not only that, America is basically a car society. So, unless you have a car, your travel will be very limited geographically. The moment you go into a local area, you will find driving a car is practically the only means of transportation. So, renting a car is indispensible as far as you want to freely travel America.


When you, as an international driver, rent a car in America, one thing will almost always vex you: How much insurance coverage you should purchase at an airport rent-a-car counter? But, hey, the bottom line is, don't simply walk in a rent-a-car office! You are not familiar with this new place. Then some people, including a rent-a-car agent, might want to take advantage of your unfamiliarity with it. Besides, you usually don't have enough negotiating time when you walk in a rent-a-car office. So, more often than not, you will be ripped off.


The best way to avoid this is to make a reservation in your country much earlier than departure. I usually do so at least two months early. Then I can get any type car I want. I can also compare the prices that several rent-a-car companies offer me. Benefit will get even larger if a company of your choice has a branch in your own country. You can make a quick phone call about whatsoever question you may come up with.


Now, back to insurance. Several different types of rental car insurance are available in any major rent-a-car office. So, depending on your driving skills and affluency, you can set up a coverage that you think is the best for you. However, from the general point of view. I recommend most tourists to purchase an extensive insurance package, which is a reasonable combination of several types of coverage. A similar package can be purchased in most major rent-a-car companies.


That said, each important type of rental car insurance will be explained in the next section.


Types of Insurance Available for Rent-a-car


LP stands for Liability Protection. This insurance covers bodily injury or property damage on the part of a victim (or victims) of a car accident that you are involved in while you are driving your rental car. Except for California, all states require a rental car company to include this insurance in the primary rental fee. So, when you rent a car in the U.S., you automatically pay for LP. One problem with this is, the coverage is often not enough for an actual liability level that the court would impose on you. So, a rental car company offers a supplemental cover for that, which is called SLP. Refer to SLP below.

LPとは Liability Protection(賠償責任の保護)のこと。この保険はあなたがレンタカーを運転中に関係した交通事故の相手方の怪我や車の損害を埋めてくれるものです。カリフォルニア州を除き、アメリカの全ての州政府はレンタカー会社に、この保険をもともとの値段に含めるように要求しています。ですから、アメリカでレンタカーを借り出すときあなたは自動的にこの保険の費用を支払っています。この保険の問題点のひとつは、裁判所が加害者に課するであろう実際の保障金額には多くの場合十分ではない、という点です。そこでレンタカー会社はこれを補完する保険を用意しています。それがSLPと呼ばれる別の保険です。SLPについては次の項目を見て下さい。


SLP stands for Supplemental Liability Protection. SLP is also known as LIS (Liability Insurance Supplement), SLI (Supplemental Liability Insurance), or ALI (Additional Liability Insurance).
As I have just pointed out above, you automatically get a liability protection when you rent a car. But this cover is a minimum level and may not be enough for an actual cost you owe to a victim or victims of an car accident that you are involved in. To prevent this, a rental car company offers an insurance that raises the levels of cover. I strongly recommend an international tourist to buy this insurance because there always is a slight possibility for you to be involved in a serious car accident that a minimum insurance cannot cover damage of.

SLPとは Supplemental Liability Protection(賠償責任の補完的保護)のこと。これはまたLIS (Liability Insurance Supplement)とか SLI (Supplemental Liability Insurance)、または ALI (Additional Liability Insurance)とも呼ばれています。


CDW and LDW stand for Collision Damage Waiver and Loss Damage Waiver respectively. Even though LP and SLP cover the bodily injury or property damage of the victim of a car accident that the renter has been involved in, they do NOT cover the loss or damage to the rental car itself. If you collide with another car and your rental car is broken, you still have to fully compensate for the damage. Here comes the reason that you have to additionally purchase CDW or LDW.

CDW と LDW はそれぞれ Collision Damage Waiver(衝突による損害責任追及留保)および Loss Damage Waiver(損失による損害責任追及留保)のことです。LP や SLP がレンタカー使用者が関係した交通事故の被害者の怪我や所有物の損失を埋め合わせてくれるとしても、レンタカーそのものの部分的または全面的な損失は贖ってはくれません。もしあなたがレンタカーでほかの車と衝突し、あなたのレンタカーが壊れた場合、あなたはその損害を全面賠償しなければならないのです。ここに CDW や LDW を追加購入しなければならない理由があります。

By definition, CDW provides cover in the event of a collision of the vehicle while LDW provides cover in the event of the loss of use of the vehicle. Then, you may have the impression that the coverages that CDW and LDW provide are different. Actually, they are practically the same. The both types of insurance let your rental car company waive the right to claim to you full compensation for the damage caused from the loss of use of their rental car, typically collision or theft. So, when you hear from a rental car agent that either CDW or LDW is applied to your contract, you can think your contract covers the damage on your rental car.

定義上では、CDW は車の衝突が起こった時に補償をし、LDW は車の使用ができなくなった時に補償をしてくれる、というものです。そう聞くと、CDW と LDW が提供する補償は異なっているような印象を持つかもしれませんが、両者とも事実上同じものです。どちらのタイプも、車の衝突や窃盗などに代表されるレンタカーの使用可能性の喪失に起因する損害の全的補償をレンタカー会社があなたに対して請求する権利の行使を留保させるものです。そこで、レンタカー会社の係員から、あなたの契約には CDW もしくは LDW が適用されると聞かされたら、レンタカーそのものの損害も補償対象となっていると考えることができます。


CDW or LDW covers the damage on a rental car, but it does NOT cover the injury of you as the renter or a person who sits in the passenger seat of the rental car that you have checked out. If you want to be covered on those things too, you have to purchase this PAI (Personal Accident Insurance). PAI provides medical, ambulance and death benefits for the renter and passengers of a rental car in the event of an accident that you are involved in. Beware, however, that the death benefit for a passenger is much lower than that for the renter.

CDW や LDW はレンタカーへの損害を補償してくれますが、借り手であるあなたやあなたが借り出したレンタカーの助手席に乗っている人物の怪我を補償するものではありません。もしもこうした項目についても補償を望むのなら、この PAI(人的事故補償)を購入しなければなりません。PAI はあなたが関係する交通事故の際、レンタカーの借り手や同乗者に対し救急車や医療活動の費用、また死亡保障などを提供するものです。ただし、同乗者への死亡保障は、レンタカーの借り手その人に対する死亡保障よりはるかに小額である点には注意しておいてください。


We are almost on the finish line. But I have to introduce to you one more, even if minor, insurance, which is called PEC (Personal Effects Coverage). PEC covers the thefts of the personal items of the renter and his or her family members. The maximum coverage is mostly about $1,500. In most rental car companies, this is sold together with PAI, and so you cannot single out this cover only.

さあ、もうフィニッシュ目前。最後にちょっとした、つけたし的保険をあなたに紹介します。それは PEC(私的所有物保険)のことです。PEC はレンタカーの借り手やその家族の個人的な持ち物の盗難を補償します。多くの場合、最高補償金額は1500ドル程度です。ほとんどのレンタカー会社で上記の PAI と一緒に販売されていて、片方だけを取り出して加入はできません。

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