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A story on Lover's Leap in Hannibal


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There used to live two indian tribes around Hannibal, separated by the Mississippi River. The tribe on the Illinois side was called Illini (pronounced [ih-Lieh-nee]) whereas the one on the Missouri side was called Fox. They were a foe and were killing each other. But, a destiny made a young princess from Fox fall in love with an Illini brave. The two young man and woman started to meet secretly. One evening, when the Illini brave crossed the Mississippi on a canoe and landed somewhere at Bear Creek, an Indian from Fox happened to witness it and reported the fact to the king who was the father of the princess. The king got furious enough to announce that anybody who would kill the Illini brave would get an otter skin from him. A lot of young warriors from Fox started the search for the brave. The couple knew this fact and fled and climbed to the top of a cliff by the Mississippi River for hide. However, they were eventually surrounded by Fox warriors. The Illini brave made up his mind to jump off the cliff for death rather than shameful capture. The princess decided to follow her lover, thinking that she would rather die than spend her whole life without him because such a life would seem to be worthless. And they actually leapt off of the cliff. Now this cliff is called Lover's Leap for the commemoration of this tragic legend.

Day Six continues to the next page.


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