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Driving on Interstate 72 Illinois West (video clips)


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After leaving Springfield Illinois, we headed to Hannibal Missouri, driving on Interstate 72 West. While Koichiro was behind the wheel, I had a chance to shoot short movies. It was a good afternoon and driving on the highway was wonderful. There were clouds sporadically, but beautiful shunshine was constantly falling on us through the clouds. It was so comfortable on the front passenger seat, I felt like falling to sleep all the time. Fighting back sleepiness, I rolled the camera. I filmed most short movies near the Illinois River. The last movie was shot while we were crossing the Mark Twain Memorial Bridge, which crosses the Mississippi. Hannibal was just a few minutes away! Enjoy some beautiful road views of Western illinois!

  • Click here to see videos 9 and 10.
  • Click here to see videos 11 and 12.
  • Click here to see videos 13 and 14.

Day Six starts on the next page.


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