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Driving in Arthur countryside (video clips)


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It was still before noon, and we drove around Arthur to appreciate its superb country view. So, before presenting our final destination in Arthur, I will have you see some video clips that I filmed during the driving. One little thing that may draw your attention in those videos is lots of droppings that horses made while pulling Amish wagons. Those droppings were just everywhere on a road, especially on its shouders. Amish people who ride on their two-wheel wagons usually move on the shoulders of a road probably because they want to stay away from speeding cars. The first two video clips document those horse droppings most impressively.

  • Click here to see videos 1 and 2.
  • Click here to see videos 3 and 4.
  • Click here to see videos 5 and 6.
  • Click here to see videos 7 and 8.

Day Four further continues to the next page.


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