Shea's Gas Station
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The world renowned Shea Gas Station Museum is located at the north-east corner of Springfield, IL. Because our hotel, Hilton Springfield,
is downtown, we first headed east by two blocks to take Business Loop of Interstate 55, and drove north until we found this gas station on the left side of the road.

After parking our car on a backroad just behind the museum, we moved around to its front and looked at it. It was shabby, frankly.
The entire premise was surrounded by wire fences, and the front fence was chainlocked so as to prevent anybody from going inside. I was a ittle bit
shocked. Then one young lady passed by us who helplessly stood in front of the museum. I asked her about a way to go inside for watching.
She said there was a phone number for contacting the owner, but that she didn't know that number. And she left. We decided to take some photos from
outside and leave. After I was back in Japan, I found Bill Shea, the owner, was in serious condition. Later I knew he passed away in December of the same year. As of
Semptember 2015, this station is closed and is for sale. I wish some new good owner would take over and restore this very precious Old Route 66 site. Click on the photo for

This photo clearly shows how battered this site really is now. All metal products are rottening. It is very obvious that no one takes care of this
place. I was really sorry for this condition of the museum that is still so famous among the tourists in the world who love American culture and
history. Click on the photo to enlarge it.

Even though the Shea Station itself has been battered, the route shield for the Historic Route 66 was proudly standing high up to the blue sky. How
do you feel about this contrast? Click on the photo to enlarge it.

The same Historic Route 66 shield, seen from the opposite direction. The composition of the left-edge road, this route shield, the old Shea
Gas Station, and the autumn blue sky is beautiful and somewhat nostalgic. Click on the photo to enlarge it.

The photo shows the right half of the premise. Bill Shea was a collector of the Historic Route 66 items. He seems to have placed those items kind of
in a disorganized fashion. It is amusing to know that he was even interested in getting an old school bus!
Day Five continues to the nexts page.