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Hello, students! If you are learning English for communication, this is one of the Web sites that you may find is fun. Here you will find a lot of happy English rhymes and songs. You will also find latest news that tell you about what is going on in today's America. So feel free to browse this site and send me your opinion if you would like.
By the way, there are a few fun tricks on this page. So explore it and see what the tricks are by moving your cursor up and down, to the right and left.


OK. This is one of the fun tricks. Do you see that the bird and the insect on the right change their body colors when you move the cursor over them? Well, click on them. Then, see what appears!


I am Kiyoshi Nakanoko. I have taught English conversation at some senior high schools in Yamaguchi, Japan. I studied how to teach English to non-native speakers of English like you in an American university. And, I am still studying it while I teach English to Japanese high schoolers like you. If you are interested in my English academy, feel free to visit it. Click here to see the map.

Now, how old do you think I am? Well, find it. "But, how?" you may wonder. Move your cursor all over this page. When the cursor hits one spot, it will turn yellow, and my photo will appear somewhere on this page. By seeing it, guess my age. Then, click on here. A multiple choice appears. So, just choose your answer there and click on Upload Answer. You will instantly see whether you were right or wrong. So, just try for fun!

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Last Update: 09/09/2013 http://www.geocities.jp/yocoelacademy604 Contact me