Lambert-St. Louis International Airport
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Lambert St. Louis International Airport boasts stress-free access to major places to the City of St. Louis.
As is often the case with big city airports, it is located on the outskirts of St. Louis. So you may think the only way for a tourist
to go downtown is to jump in an expensive taxi. Wrong, at least here. There is a superb city tram system called Metro Link, whose first station is
just this airport. With a very low fare, you can go to all major spots.
アメリカのたいていの大都市でそうであるように、この空港もセントルイスの郊外に立地しています。ですから、ダウンタウンへの唯一のアクセス手段は運賃の高いタクシーのみと思いますよね。実は、セントルイスについては、それは間違い! メトロリンクと呼ばれるすばらしいトラムが利用でき、その始発駅がなんとこの空港なのです。
Did you make a reservation for a downtown hotel? Find a ticket machine at the east end of the airport, pay a small fare, walk to the
platform, get in a tram, and go! In about 25 minutes, you will be downtown.
ダウンタウンのホテルを予約? 空港の東端に行き、券売機を見つけて小額の運賃を払い、プラットフォームへ向かい、トラムに乗って、出発!約25分後には、あなたはダウンタウンです。

Photo of a Metro Link tram. Taken at Lambert St. Louis Interntional Airport.
There are a few more advantages with this airport. If you plan to drive to other cities in Missouri and West Illinois, this is a good
place to start.
Interstate 70 runs along the south border of the airport. All major rental car comapanies have their garages along 70, within a mile
or so from the airport.
Besides, there are lots of hotels and inns near those garages. You will find Holiday Inn, Quality Inn, Americas Best Value Inn, Econo
Lodge, and Travelodge, to name a few.
If a gorgeous hotel is your choice, there are Marriotte, Hilton, Drury Inn, and Hampton Inn.
So, go to a rental car booth at the airport, be taken to its garage, check out a car of your choice, and drive just a few minutes. You
will be at the front of your hotel.